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The Slow-Mo Project is a group project for CSC 461 at the University of Victoria. Group members are Aidan Collins, Griffin Storback, and Jeff Olmstead. We plan to explore the hardware and software limitations and capabilities of ultra-high frame rate video recording from cameras such as the Phantom Cameras.

Project Proposal


Group members:

Aidan Collins, Griffin Storback, Jeff Olmstead


0. Project Name: The Slow-Mo Project

  1. Our project topic is ultra-high frame rate video recording. We will explore the hardware and software limitations of recording video at frame rates above 1000fps. This will include the exploration of cameras such as the Phantom cameras developed by Vision Research. This is an important topic because seeing things happen in ultra slow-motion video can be extremely useful for research purposes (and it’s just really cool). 

  2. Vision Research is a company that has put extensive research into these high frame rate video cameras as well as the software processes that go into compressing and rendering that much data so quickly. M.I.T’s Media Lab also has been working on a system that can shoot video at such a high frame rate that it can actually see light travel through objects. This technology is incredible but has many limitations that, if improved, could help this technology become extremely useful for research applications in the fields of physics, engineering, chemistry, and many others that deal with photons, light, and material composition.

  3. N/A [CSC461]

  4. Oct. 6th - Oct. 12th: Finish project proposal

Oct. 13th - Oct. 19th: Begin initial investigation of the camera’s overall system

Oct. 20th - Oct. 26th: Begin studying of FRAME (Frequency Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Exposures) system -

Oct. 27th - Nov. 2nd: Continue survey of system

Nov. 3rd - Nov. 9th: Continue survey of system

Nov. 10th - Nov. 16th: Finish outline of FRAME system

Nov. 17th - Nov. 23rd: Begin project report

Nov. 24th - Nov. 30th: Continue/finish project report

  1. Project website:

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